American Pie
Paul Weitz’s 1999 film revolves around a group of four teenage guys who are determined to lose their virginity before graduating from high school.
In a 2020 study conducted by Vice, a group of teenagers between 16 and 19, expressed their opinion on how the film would be cancelled today, for its depiction of non-consensual sex, as well as misogynism.
One participant, 16-year-old Taylor, said: “The only thing the male characters care about is having sex. They’re willing to say and do whatever just to convince the girls to have sex with them. I don’t know if that was realistic when the film came out, but I think men treat women with a lot more respect and equality now.” Fellow participant, 17-year-old Hannah, added: “The part where Jim and the other male characters film the foreign exchange student in his room is deeply problematic. The film doesn’t even question the morality of doing this, it makes it seem like a joke and that the dudes are all ‘legends’ for getting the plan to work. It’s a huge violation of privacy and definitely a sexual offence for Jim to film her, let alone to then share that with his friends."