10 movie sequels that are BETTER than the originals...

Who says the originals are always the best? After making a film that’s widely regarded to be an excellent watch, directors are thrown into a bit of a predicament: how can they out-do themselves in the next movie? Mostly, filmmakers struggle to live up to expectations, as the originals prove to be just too good an act to follow. However, there are a small handful of sequels that manage to outshine their predecessors...



Who says the originals are always the best?

After making a film that’s widely regarded to be an excellent watch, directors are thrown into a bit of a predicament: how can they out-do themselves in the next movie?

Mostly, filmmakers struggle to live up to expectations, as the originals prove to be just too good an act to follow.

However, there are a small handful of sequels that manage to outshine their predecessors...