Brendan Fraser
In his younger years, Brendan Fraser was happy to handle his own stunts, but soon found doing was too dangerous.
At the peak of his career, the actor was performing big action scenes himself in the likes of ‘The Mummy’ and ‘George of the Jungle’, though has had to undergo several operations when stunts went wrong - including a spine canal surgery and a partial knee replacement.
He later said: “I believe I probably was trying too hard, in a way that’s destructive.
“By the time I did the third ‘Mummy’ picture in China,] I was put together with tape and ice — just, like, really nerdy and fetishy about ice packs.
“Screw-cap ice packs and downhill-mountain-biking pads, ’cause they’re small and light and they can fit under your clothes. I was building an exoskeleton for myself daily.”