Bikers insist they didn't provoke Ian Ziering

Two men who ride with the biker gang who clashed with Ian Ziering insisted they were not to blame.



Ian Ziering had a row with a group of bikers
Ian Ziering had a row with a group of bikers

Bikers involved in an altercation with Ian Ziering think the actor has some "real personal issues".

The 59-year-old actor - who is best known for playing Steve Sanders on TV series 'Beverly Hills, 90210' - was seen fighting with a group of riders before being chased across the street in Hollywood in video footage that has circulated online, and two of the men who sometimes ride with the 605 Minibike Gang suggested it was the 'Sharknado' star who instigated the altercation.

Speaking to TMZ, a rider named Nocturnal - who shot video footage from behind Ian's car - said: "What happens is we're pulling up like you see in the video, the two on the right... there's a guy on a minibike broken down and the red car in front of them was yielding to block.

What happens is they're coming up splitting lanes - which is completely legal in California - and they stopped and what they did is made a left in front of them. He - from the video because I was there but not right there - it looked like he tried to move forward to cut them off so they can't cut in between the front of his car and when he bumped forward, they got close to him and I think when he went to throw it in park, it lunged forward and bumped the bike."

Fellow rider Roy added: "It's impossible for anything else to have happened before that, it happened so fast. What most likely happened is that dude was just going through some real personal issues that morning."

Nocturnal insisted the "craziest part" of the incident was that nothing seemed to have happened to make Ian get out of his car to confront the group.

He said: "That's why this is such a big deal, there's no before, that's it, the video is it. I could probably get the video of the whole build up but there is no build up.

"He was parked when we pulled up, we were splitting lanes and we never saw him before, there's no previous interaction.

"That's the craziest part of this whole thing, there's no plot, he didn't get flipped off, we didn't say anything to him."

The Los Angeles Police Department confirmed to Southern California TV station KTLA that police officers responded to Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue around 3pm on Sunday after "reports of a fight that broke out after the group of bikers were driving recklessly."

They are said to be investigating felony vandalism after Ian's windshield was hit with a helmet, and misdemeanour battery for the fight.

Ian previously hit out at police for allowing "lawlessness" to take place.

He said in a statement on Instagram: "This situation highlights a larger issue of hooliganism on our streets and the need for effective law enforcement responses to such behaviour. As a citizen and a parent, I find it unacceptable that groups can freely engage in this kind of behaviour, causing fear and chaos, while the response from authorities seems insufficient.

"I have always been an advocate for standing up against intimidation and misconduct, and this incident reinforces my belief in the importance of personal and community safety.

"We must address the underlying issues that lead to such disruptive behaviour and ensure that our streets are safe for everyone. I urge city officials and law enforcement to take decisive action against such lawlessness and provide the necessary resources to prevent future occurrences.

"I am thankful for the support of my family, friends, and fans during this time. It’s in challenging moments like these that the strength and unity of our community are most vital. Happy new year. (sic)"