Indiana Jones-style diggers unearth nearly 13,000 ancient treasures

In a mass discovery that potentially includes gold, modern-day Indiana Jones enthusiasts have uncovered a wealth of nearly 13,000 ancient treasures scattered across Britain.



Indiana Jones-style enthusiasts have uncovered a wealth of nearly 13,000 ancient treasures scattered across Britain
Indiana Jones-style enthusiasts have uncovered a wealth of nearly 13,000 ancient treasures scattered across Britain

Indiana Jones-style enthusiasts have uncovered a wealth of nearly 13,000 ancient treasures scattered across Britain.

The amateur archaeologists’ finds potentially contain precious gold and other archaeological wonders, according to the Daily Star.

Participating in the "citizen science project" Deep Time, approximately 1,000 enthusiasts embarked on a quest to scour 200 square miles of Earth observation data.

It saw them armed with high-resolution satellite and laser technology imagery, they delved into the depths of history, unearthing a trove of significant discoveries.

Their finds spanned a diverse array of historical periods, including 262 Bronze Age burial mounds, remnants of deserted medieval villages, and traces of three Roman roads.

The project's lead archaeologist was quoted by the Star saying: "We've now got the preliminary results in and they're really impressive."

To safeguard the newfound treasures, the precise locations of the sites remain undisclosed to prevent unauthorised excavations.

Tom Dommett from the National Trust emphasised the importance of establishing responsibility over the discoveries, stating, "We're committed to preserving these sites for future generations to explore and appreciate."

The quest for ancient artifacts traversed a broad expanse of the British landscape, encompassing areas such as the Peak District in Derbyshire, West and South Yorkshire, Wallington in Northumberland, as well as Purbeck and Studland in Dorset.

Each region holds its own secrets, waiting to be unearthed by intrepid adventurers seeking to piece together the rich tapestry of Britain's past.

In a country steeped in history, Deep Time has illuminated the hidden gems lying beneath the surface, offering glimpses into the lives and cultures of those who once walked the land.

As the project continues to unfold, it underscores the enduring allure of archaeology and the vital role that citizen scientists play in unlocking the mysteries of the past.