Give me all your money!... The stars who have suffered terrifying burglaries and break-ins

The rich and famous often have a target on their back. Whilst Benedict Cumberbatch recently revealed that he and his family were threatened by a crazed knife-wielding chef that broke onto the grounds of his property, he is not the only celebrity to have suffered a frightening home intrusion. From the infamous Bling Ring targeting several stars to Kim Kardashian's Paris horror, here are some of the stars who have been burgled.



The rich and famous often have a target on their back.

Whilst Benedict Cumberbatch recently revealed that he and his family were threatened by a crazed knife-wielding chef that broke onto the grounds of his property, he is not the only celebrity to have suffered a frightening home intrusion.

From the infamous Bling Ring targeting several stars to Kim Kardashian's Paris horror, here are some of the stars who have been burgled.