Drew Barrymore vows to practice 'physical distance' with talk show guests
Drew Barrymore has vowed to start '"practicing physical distance" with guests on her talk show after admitting she got a bit too cuddly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Drew Barrymore has vowed to start practicing "physical distance" with her talk show guests.
The 49-year-old actress has admitted she got very cuddly with her celebrity guests while filming 'The Drew Barrymore Show' in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic because the show launched at the height of social distancing rules in 2020 and she was forced to shoot episodes in the studio alone - so she's been making up for lost time.
Drew told 'Entertainment Tonight': "I will try to practice physical distance which is not my strong point. Do you know how hard the pandemic was for me? I was alone in a studio by myself. I like to be around people."
The 'Never Been Kissed' star went on to admit that some viewers might have been turned off by the physical affection she shows while conducting interviews with guest stars but she's just trying to spread "joy".
She added: "[It's] not everyone's favourite, but I'm sorry to those people ... I think we’re always going to be big on joy and laughter and feeling good.
"That was something that I always wanted to do but I never thought we would launch in a pandemic. And trying to lean into the joy and the feel good and the comedy at that time was real weird and wacky. But somehow it came together ... "
Last year, media mogul Oprah Winfrey defended her pal's interview style following her appearance on the show during which Drew was seen stroking her arm - with Oprah insisting she appreciated the physical contact.
She told TMZ.com: "I was actually comforted by the stroking of the arm. I was not uncomfortable at all ... [I've] never seen [Barrymore] do that [but I] thought it was really great ...
"Drew is terrific, and I love that she is always herself."
Oprah went on to reveal she went home after the interview and told her longtime partner Stedman Graham that he needed to be more cuddly - like Drew.
She added: "I went home and told Stedman, ‘You’ve gotta stroke my arm. Stedman, I need to be stroked on the arm'."