Natasha Lyonne: Fame can be confusing

Natasha Lyonne has opened up about her experience of fame, admitting that she initially found it to be "confusing".



Natasha Lyonne has opened up about her experience of fame
Natasha Lyonne has opened up about her experience of fame

Natasha Lyonne initially found fame to be "confusing".

The 44-year-old actress starred in films and TV shows before she entered her teenage years, and Natasha admits that it's been a difficult "journey" for her ever since.

The movie star - who has previously spent time at drug and alcohol treatment centres - told The Independent: "It was definitely confusing. And if you told me back then that that was going to be the journey, I probably would have said, 'Keep it - I’m not strong enough for it, just gimme something easier.'

"Yet now, at 44 years old, I am deeply moved that I got to have a specific journey. Because just on an empathetic level, like … I’ve been to prison and I’ve been to the Chateau Marmont, you know what I mean? I’ve been in the f****** award ceremonies, and I’ve hung out on the streets. And there are beautiful characters and little f****** monsters everywhere."

Meanwhile, Natasha previously claimed that she's able to distinguish between "trustworthy and untrustworthy" people during her career.

The actress explained that she's learned "a thing or two" through everything she's experienced in her life, including her addiction struggles and her legal troubles.

The 'Orange Is the New Black' star told ES Magazine: "I just don’t deal with people that seem full of s***.

"I will hide behind my weirdness or my hair or something. I’m sure it’s because I’m an old junkie that I immediately have this radar for people that are trustworthy and untrustworthy. If you spend your life being a bit of a wild thing, roaming the streets, you pick up a thing or two."