'I won't play that game...' Natasha Lyonne refuses to choose style over comfort

Natasha Lyonne won't be tempted into wearing something stylish if it's not comfortable.



Natasha Lyonne wants to be comfrotable
Natasha Lyonne wants to be comfrotable

Natasha Lyonne is "too seasoned" to put herself through the struggle of uncomfortable clothes.

The 'Poker Face' star is happy to dial up her style for a glitzy premiere or night out, but she will always make sure she's wearing something she can feel confident and comfortable in.

She told PEOPLE magazine: "I really like being able to walk... The thing I like the least about a look is not being able to move in my shoes.

"I find that so many people go to award shows and spend the whole night complaining about their shoes or clothes.

"I won't play that game anymore. I'm too seasoned.”

The 44-year-old star - who has teamed up with Old Navy for the brand's latest campaign - admitted she sometimes struggles to accept compliments on her style.

She added: "I think I’m getting better, though.

"I feel a real instinct in me to be self-deprecating right away, and I’m working to try to take the gift and keep it simple. It’s an empowering thing for younger people to see, you know?

"I like to think of myself as a bit of an elder now who helps kids to realize they need to say thank you.”

Meanwhile, she always makes sure to dress for the weather and make sure she's wearing the right layers for the occasion.

She explained: "I like being temperature-correct. I like a blazer or something I can throw over my shoulders so that I'm not going to end up too cold or too hot.”

That practicality extends further, as Natasha admitted while she prefers not to carry a bag, she wants it to be useful when she does.

She laughed: "Sometimes someone will make a sort of fake clutch for an award show, and you’re like, ‘Where do you want me to put my cell phone?’

"I don’t like that kind of camp. I like having practical things that are real and usable.

"Maybe it’s because I’m a city kid — New York is very day-to-night seamless, and I take that approach to my outfits always.”