Loch Ness Monster images are 'most compelling evidence' that the beast exists

New pictures of the Loch Ness Monster are the "most compelling evidence yet" that the famous creature is real, an expert has claimed.



New images provide 'compelling evidence' that the Loch Ness Monster exists
New images provide 'compelling evidence' that the Loch Ness Monster exists

New pictures of the Loch Ness Monster provide the "most compelling evidence yet" that the legendary Scottish beast exists.

Chie Kelly took the photos as she holidayed in Scotland with her family in 2018 but they were only made public last year as she feared public ridicule.

The images have now been shared with The Cryptid Factor podcast - hosted by actor and comedian Rhys Darby - and Nessie expert Steve Feltham has been left astonished by their quality.

Feltham - who has spent more than three decades hunting the famed beast - said: "They are the most compelling surface images of the phenomenon. Putting all 71 frames out there will hopefully spark international debate and an analysis. That's the point of it.

"They still defy explanation. I don't think they are otters - those creatures are much smaller than what is in the images - or divers. It also appears there may be two objects. They certainly warrant further investigation."