Scientists create medicine that mimics exercise boost

A pill has been created that replicates the physical benefits of working out for those suffering from conditions that limit the exercise they can do.



A medicine replicates the effects of working out at the gym
A medicine replicates the effects of working out at the gym

Scientists have created a medicine that replicates the physical boost of a workout.

Experts in the US have come up with a pill that mimics the benefits of getting a sweat on at the gym, which could treat 'couch potato' health issues such as obesity and muscle atrophy and other age-related problems such as heart failure and declining kidney function.

The researchers insist that the compound - SLU-PP-332 - is aimed at those with conditions that limit movement and exercise rather than those who are just lazy.

Professor Bahaa Elgendy, of Washington University, said: "Everyone knows that exercise is super-beneficial for the body and mind, but not everyone can exercise. Having an exercise in a pill could be beneficial to mimic or enhance the effects for people who are ageing, people with certain diseases, or who are facing muscle loss due to other drugs.

"This could lead to the development of therapeutics for some of the most challenging diseases we are facing nowadays, like neurodegenerative diseases and heart failure."