Top porn star Angela White reveals her favourite sex position
Australian porn actress Angela White prefers the CAT (Clitoral Alignment Technique) position between the sheets as it guarantees that she will climax.

Porn star Angela White has revealed her favourite sex position.
The Australian adult entertainment actress likes to adopt the CAT (Clitoral Alignment Technique) position between the sheets as it guarantees that she will climax during lovemaking.
White spilled the beans about her preferred position during an appearance on Whitney Cummings' podcast when the comedian explained that she can only orgasm when using a vibrator or her hands.
The porn star replied: "Okay so CAT position, that's my favourite position.
"CAT means clitoral alignment technique. So you are going to angle your pelvis up so you could put like a cushion underneath your lower back."
White believes that the position is far superior to missionary and thinks it will provide a boost to any women who are struggling to climax.
The porn star has appeared in more than 900 hardcore scenes during her career and thinks that editing her own work helped her become a leading figure in the adult entertainment industry.
White told the Pillow Talk podcast: "Early on, I edited my own scenes, so it made me a better performer. I directed my own scenes.
"It's mortifying in the beginning because you see everything you do terribly wrong. But it just makes you a better performer. You learn you shouldn't be positioning my body in (this or) that way."
White explained that small "micromovements" can make all the difference when filming porn scenes with male stars.
She said: "Very small micromovements make the biggest difference in porn... It's not just about looking into the camera."