Christy Turlington is proud of Freedom! '90 video

Christy Turlington is very proud of the "controversial" moment she and Linda Evangelista shared in the music video for George Michael's hit 'Freedom! '90' when they pricked their fingers and became "blood sisters".



Christy Turlington
Christy Turlington

Christy Turlington is proud of the "controversial" moment she and Linda Evangelista shared in the music video for George Michael's hit 'Freedom! '90'.

The two fashion legends were personally selected alongside other supermodels Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell and Tatjana Patitz to appear in the promo by George and the now iconic 1990 video was shot by David Fincher, who went on to direct 'Seven', 'Fight Club' and 'Zodiac'.

George did not appear in the video himself and instead each of the models were seen lip-syncing to different lyrics.

In one famous scene, Christy and Linda each prick their fingers and join to become "blood sisters" and looking back on the video 30 years later, Christy believes it was a bold statement because of the fear and hysteria surrounding HIV and AIDS at the time.

Speaking to male model John Pearson - who also appeared in the video - on his MrFeelGood website to mark the anniversary of the song, Christy said: "I think the video captures everyone involved at critical junctures in our lives and careers, which none of us could have possibly grasped in the moment, except for George maybe.

"David Fincher had worked on other iconic videos but this was probably one of the last before his movie making career really took off. The song was an instant classic. Whenever it gets played in a room I am in, I feel eyes turn on me.

"Linda and I were the only ones who overlapped shooting the video because we had a scene together. It was pretty controversial in retrospect as we were pricking our fingers to be blood sisters at a time when HIV AIDS was rampant. I remember George being incredibly focused and in control of everything, but also fun in the moments when we got to just hang out."

Cindy admits, at the time, she felt as though all her peers had better scenes in the video that her, but she didn't want to complain to director Fincher.

Looking back now, the 54-year-old star likes her scenes and believes that Fincher perfectly captured each of the model's unique personalities.

She said: "I was bummed I got stuck in the bath tub and then after with a towel on my head! But you don't argue with David Fincher - even then. When I look back, I think we were all presented in a way that reflected us individually.

"My favorite memory was sitting on a plane on my way to shoot it, listening to the song over and over on my Walkman, trying to learn the words. I instantly loved the song and was excited to be included.

"I think this video struck a chord for so many reasons. First and foremost was the song itself and the message and declaration of 'freedom' for George himself. It also coincided with the 'birth' of the supermodel and brought music and fashion together in an exciting way."