Final Fantasy VII Rebirth not getting DLC anytime soon

'‘Final Fantasy VII Rebirth' director Naoki Hamaguchi says they are focused on getting the third game out and won't be dropping a DLC anytime soon.



There are no plans for a DLC for 'Final Fantasy VII Rebirth'
There are no plans for a DLC for 'Final Fantasy VII Rebirth'

‘Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’ is not getting a DLC "for the moment".

The game's director Naoki Hamaguchi says players of the hit RPG - which was developed by Square Enix and is a re-imagining of the studio’s 1997 title ‘Final Fantasy VII’ - are more interested in the third game in the trilogy than an expansion pack and so they are focused on delivering the next instalment "as quickly as possible".

Speaking to the Daily Star recently, he said: "We definitely do hear the desire from fans, the voices out there that want that kind of thing.

"I understand it completely, but I think, from my perspective, what the fans really want to see the most is not necessarily DLC. They want to see the third part of the series as quickly as possible."

Hamaguchi added: "So that's why we've decided not to focus the development resources on creating additional extra episodes for DLC at the moment. We really are putting all our efforts into getting the third game out as quickly as we can. So for the moment, that's where we're focusing our time."

Hamaguchi recently admitted they deliberately made the game’s ending controversial to boost anticipation for the third game in the series.

The game is bookended by the gut-wrenching demise of Aerith, though ‘Rebirth’s head stressed he purposefully chose to include the bold ending as a way to ensure fans would continue debating how the trilogy would conclude with its upcoming sequel.

Speaking with Eurogamer, he said: “There was a danger there, there was definitely a trap.

”With the original game, I was just a fan. I played the game when I was younger, and I've got my perspective on that scene as just a single fan.

“I felt if I made a decision - it has to go in this direction, we have to do it this way - that would very much make it a fan-driven thing.

“Maybe make it more like fan service. I kind of want to avoid doing that.”

While Hamaguchi admitted ‘Rebirth’s ending was controversial, the developer insisted the mixed reaction was “kind of the way we wanted it to go”.

He explained: “The important thing is that the player will wonder whether it's going to change or not.

“So if it was all exactly as it was in the original storyline, you'd know exactly what was coming: there'd be no anticipation, there'd be no excitement.

“For people who played the game, they'd know exactly what's coming next. It wouldn't really be a fun experience. It might be nostalgic, but it wouldn't be a fun experience.”