Russian politician sensationally calls for Putin to be ousted on state TV

Vladimir Putin critic Boris Nadezhdin has made the astonishing claim that the despot should be removed from power on a state television show.



A Russian politician has called for Vladimir Putin to be ousted from power
A Russian politician has called for Vladimir Putin to be ousted from power

A Russian politician has sensationally called for Vladimir Putin to be removed from power on state television.

The opposition politician Boris Nadezhdin - who has criticised Putin's decision to invade Ukraine - has called for the country to select a different leader in the elections next year.

The outspoken Putin critic told the NTV channel: "We need to choose somebody else, and not Putin. Everything will be good then."

Britain's Ministry of Defence says it marks the first time anyone on state TV has called for the tyrant to be ousted since the war in Ukraine started in February 2022.

Nadezhdin warned that there is "no way" that Russia will be accepted back into Europe as long as Putin rules the country.

He said: "We simply have to choose different authorities to govern the country that would stop this story with Ukraine."

Nadezhdin argues that having a different government in power would enable Russia to "build relations" with other European nations and "everything will come back into place".

The show's anchor, Putin propagandist Ivan Trushkin, appeared to be shocked by the politician's rant against the despot.

In a frantic attempt to interrupt his guest, he said: "I wasn't expecting you to say all of this word for word."