James McAvoy excited step into the 'whole new world' of being a director

James McAvoy is "excited" to be starting work on his directorial debut, 'California Schemin''.



James McAvoy is "excited" to step into the "whole new world" of being a director.

The 45-year-old actor is preparing to step behind the camera to helm 'California Schemin'' - which is based on the true story of two Scottish friends, Gavin Bain and Billy Boyd, who pretended to be an American rap duo - and he is looking forward to getting started on the project.

He told The Hollywood Reporter: “It’s a whole new world for me to do this.

"I’ve got experience with everything else after we start rehearsals. This whole period of prep, I’ve never been a part of it, so I’m excited.”

James will also appear in a supporting role in the film, with Seamus McLean Ross and Samuel Bottomley cast as the leads, and he's currently "building a little army" of other actors to appear in the project.

Asked for a progress update, he said: "It’s going.

“We’re working on the script; we’re casting actors, and we’re just gearing up, building a little army, which is what you do."