Demi Lovato gets anxiety about aging

'Child Star' director Demi Lovato insists while she has a feeling of "existential dread" about growing old, it's not about "changes in my body or my face".



Demi Lovato gets a feeling of "existential dread" about aging.

The actress and singer - who uses she/they pronouns - turned 32 last month and she explained while she isn't "worried" about her looks changing as she grows older, she still has "anxiety" about the process.

She told People magazine: "Aging is something that, if I think too hard about it, I can get anxiety about — not because I'm worried about how I look or the changes in my body or my face, but because of that existential dread.

"I like to stay in the present moment. When we think about things that are in our past or things that are in our future, we're not present, and presence is the biggest gift that we can give ourselves."

Looking ahead to the next year, Demi acknowledged that humans "always want what we can't have", which means "we sometimes put pressure on ourselves" simply for not being as young as we once were.

She noted that "one day" in the hopefully very distant future, people will regret wasting time "worrying about age" with the world at their feet.

She said: "You'll be 80, 90 years old and you'll look back and you'll say, 'Why did I waste my time when I was 30-something worrying about age when I had so much to look forward to and so much time on my hands?'

"I try not to focus on how much time we have left, but rather than how much more life experience that we get to have if we're lucky enough."