Cara Delevingne feels she has her power back after ditching drugs and drink

Two years after ditching drugs and drink, Cara Delevingne has declared she feels as if she has got her “power back” by getting sober.



Cara Delevingne feels as if she has got her ‘power back’ by getting sober This video is no longer available.

Cara Delevingne feels as if she has got her “power back” by getting sober.

The supermodel, 31, has struggled for years with addiction issues, but has now launched a range of alcohol-free wine after ditching drink almost two years ago to keep herself and others off booze.

She told The Times about how she changed her lifestyle after her substance abuse left her feeling at rock bottom: “I used to think drugs and alcohol helped me cope… but they didn’t – they kept me sad and super depressed.

“I feel like I’ve got my power back and I’m not being controlled by other things.”

Cara also admitted the first time she got drunk was at her aunt’s wedding in 2001 when she was eight, adding: “I got drunk that day. I was eight, what a crazy age to get drunk!”

The model notoriously sparked worries for her physical and mental state when pictures emerged of her in 2022 looking worse for wear outside Van Nuys airport in LA after attending a festival.

She said about the snaps, which showed her shoeless: “It was a stupid decision to go straight from a festival to work. I should have waited a day.

“But it was going to happen to me anyway, there were plenty of photos out there of me looking wasted.”