Martha Stewart claims parole officer banned her from Saturday Night Live gig
Martha Stewart has claimed she almost hosted 'Saturday Night Live' 20 years ago, but her parole officer refused to allow it.

Martha Stewart has claimed her parole officer banned her from hosting 'Saturday Night Live'.
In 2004, the 83-year-old star spent five months in jail and another five under house arrest before two years of supervised probation after being found guilty of charges relating to an insider trading case.
Asked if she'd ever want to host the iconic late night comedy show, she told 'The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon': "I wanted to and they asked me as I was coming out of Alderson [Federal Prison], that camp that I was in for a while, and my parole officer wouldn't give me the time to do it.
"I was allowed to be out of my house eight hours a day."
When Jimmy asked if her parole officer gave permission, she quipped: "No, that b******."
She joked she still had the officer's "name and number, while Jimmy asked if the offer actually came in.
She laughed: "Yeah, I'm so p*****. Maybe someday."
In her Netflix film 'Martha', her prison diaries are read out and one extract reveals she was punished for accidentally touching one of the prison guards.
She wrote: "Today I saw two very well-dressed ladies walking and I breezed by them, remarking on the beautiful warm morning and how nice they looked.
"When I realised from the big silver key chain that they were guards, I lightly brushed the chain. Later I was called in to be told never, ever touch a guard without expecting severe reprimand."
In an interview for the film, Martha added that she apologised for her mistake and put the incident out of her mind because it "was so minor".
However, she was given a shock when she was given her punishment. She added: "I was dragged into solitary for touching an officer.
"No food or water for a day. This was Camp Cupcake, remember? That was the nickname. Camp Cupcake. It was not a cupcake."