Paula Abdul: The stage is my happy place

Music star Paula Abdul has revealed that she still loves performing.



Paula Abdul doesn't intend to slow down
Paula Abdul doesn't intend to slow down

Paula Abdul doesn't have any intention of slowing down.

The 62-year-old star is still in tip-top physical condition and she's recently been wowing fans during New Kids On The Block's Magic Summer Tour.

The veteran star - who has suffered various injuries during the course of her career - told "I love being able to communicate through music and dance and as long as I can continue to do it I'm going to do it for as long as I can.

"You know, being on stage is a happy place for me."

Paula battled a chronic back problem earlier in her career - but she's now in a "really good place" with her health.

She shared: "I don't like to say dieting, but I eat in a healthy way which incorporates a lot of elements from an alkaline diet because my body, just from injuries alone, carries a lot of acidity - so I try to keep the balance right so I can keep as much inflammation out of my body."

Paula revealed that her diet includes a "proper balance of protein and fat".

She said: "I make sure that I eat healthy grains, like I love quinoa and I mix some protein in.

"My protein comes from anything from egg whites to tofu to chicken to shrimp, and I mix it up so that I have a proper balance of protein and fat."

Paula still enjoys a treat every now and again.

But the former 'American Idol' star remains very conscious of what she eats and drinks.

She explained: "For my injuries and for keeping my body as optimum as possible, sugar isn't something that I can indulge in a lot."