Simona Tabasco: I was scared to play a sexy character

Simona Tabasco has revealed that she felt anxious about her role in 'The White Lotus'.



Simona Tabasco plays a sexy character on the hit TV show
Simona Tabasco plays a sexy character on the hit TV show

Simona Tabasco felt "scared" playing a "sexy" character in 'The White Lotus'.

The 29-year-old actress plays Lucia Greco, a local hustler and a woman with complete sexual abandon, in the hit drama series, and Simona admits that she stepped outside of her comfort zone to take on the role.

Speaking to The Independent, she explained: "I was scared because I had never played as sexy a character as Lucia before. When I first read the script, I was like … OK!"

Despite this, Simona was always made to feel very comfortable while she was shooting her sex scenes.

The actress said: "We had a kind of choreography. When you shoot sex scenes, it’s very important to know what to do and to be prepared, to know where the camera is, and how you can be covered in certain ways."

The Italian actress acknowledges that her English remains a slight stumbling block to her career ambitions.

Simona admitted that it would be particularly difficult for her to star in a comedy movie at the moment.

She said: "It takes time to do it in another language, for you to be able to improvise, but hopefully one day I will.

"And I’m definitely considering moving to the US. Right now I am going back and forth [from Italy], but I want to improve my English and improve my American accent and then I will see what happens."

Meanwhile, Simona previously admitted that she's a "very reserved person" by nature.

The actress told the Guardian newspaper: "I value my privacy, so there is big contrast in me between what I become when I’m in front of the camera, which is a different kind of strength that goes through me when I am working."