Emily Blunt wants to take her parents to the Oscars with her

Emily Blunt is hoping to take her parents to the Oscars with her so she can celebrate her dad's birthday with him at the Hollywood event.



Emily Blunt is hoping to take her parents to the Oscars with her
Emily Blunt is hoping to take her parents to the Oscars with her

Emily Blunt is hoping to take her parents to the Oscars with her.

The 41-year-old star - who is married to John Krasinski and has Hazel, nine, and seven-year-old Violet with him - is up for Best Supporting Actress at the upcoming awards ceremony on Sunday (10.03.24) for her role in the wartime epic 'Oppenheimer' and is hoping to take her husband and parents along with her because it is her dad's birthday weekend.

She told People: "I'm going to bring John and I'm hoping my parents, who are sort of angling for me. It's my dad's birthday that weekend! I think the kids may stay up and watch it."

The 'Devil Wears Prada' actress - who starred as the wife of wartime hero Robert J. Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy) in the box office hit - added that her success hasn't quite "sunk in" yet but is grateful to have had her co-stars by her side for the journey that seems to have gone on "forever".

She said: "I feel like I've been lighter than air the last couple of weeks. I feel so happy. I don't know if I've had much time to let it sink in. I feel very happy, like peaceful, happy. I'm just happy we have each other. I feel like we've been such a little gang of this 'Oppenheimer' ride, which seems to be forever lasting and extends beyond what any of us dreamt of."

Despite her success, Emily actually struggled with stuttering as a child.

And the actress recently revealed that she would love to make a movie "about a stutterer".

Speaking on BBC Radio Four's 'Woman's Hour': "The emotional trauma of living with the inability to speak will limit you in ways, that are for someone who speaks fluently, pretty unimaginable.

The actress - who has been married to John since 2010 - shared: "There's so much shame about it because there's not enough information it's neurological. People really deem it psychological. So you're sort of deemed off-putting or unconvincing in order to get a job, or anything like that."