Kristen Stewart: 'Twilight is such a gay movie'
Kristen Stewart thinks 'Twilight' is "such a gay movie" because of its theme of "oppression" and desire.

Kristen Stewart thinks 'Twilight' is "such a gay movie".
The 33-year-old actress became a household name when she played Bella Swan opposite then-boyfriend Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner in the vampire film franchise and looking back at the saga now, Kristen - who is engaged to girlfriend Dylan Meyer - thinks there's a lot of hidden meanings.
She told Variety: “I can only see it now…I don’t think it necessarily started off that way, but I also think that the fact that I was there at all, it was percolating. It’s such a gay movie.
"I mean, Jesus Christ, Taylor and Rob and me, and it’s so hidden and not OK.
"I mean, a Mormon woman wrote this book. It’s all about oppression, about wanting what’s going to destroy you. That’s a very Gothic, gay inclination that I love.”
Kristen was just 11 years old when she starred opposite Jodie Foster in 'Panic Room' and though she avoiding re-watching the movie for years, she recently caught it on TV and was amazed at how clear her own sexuality seemed even back then.
She laughed: “I was already going like, ‘Don’t f*** with me.' I was gay.”
The 'Love Lies Bleeding' star came out publicly during her opening monologue on 'Saturday Night Live' in 2017 and she thinks it was a "cool" way to confirm her sexuality, having not been "hiding" it anyway.
She said: “It wasn’t even like I was hiding. I was so openly out with my girlfriend for years at that point. I’m like, ‘I’m a pretty knowable person…'.
"It was cool to frame it in a funny context because it could say everything without having to sit down and do an interview. ‘So what platform is that going to be on? And who’s going to make money on that? And who’s going to be the person that broke it?’ I broke it, alone.”
Kristen admitted her career has been successful because she is "good" at playing the "role" of "heteronormative".
She said: “Because I’m an actor, I want people to like me, and I want certain parts.
"I have lots of different experiences that shape who I am that are very, very far from binary.
"But I did get good at the heteronormative quality. I play that role well. It comes from a somewhat real place — it’s not fake. But it’s f***** up that if I was gayer, it wouldn’t be the case.”
Read the full interview with Kristen at