Jeannie Mai seemingly accuses Jeezy of cheating

Jeannie Mai's response to Jeezy's latest court filing seemingly suggested she thinks he was unfaithful to her.



Jeannie Mai recently split from Jeezy
Jeannie Mai recently split from Jeezy

Jeannie Mai has seemingly suggested Jeezy was unfaithful to her.

The former 'The Real' host split from the 46-year-old rapper in September and after he asked for a court hearing to set custody rights for their daughter Monaco, 23 months, she has called his conduct into question in her response to the filing.

According to documents obtained by People magazine, Jeanie stated she was “entitled to a divorce from Husband on the grounds that the marriage is irretrievably broken,” and that she “does not wish to specify herein at this time in the hope this matter can be resolved without having to disclose such conduct publicly,” before going on to suggest infidelity had played a part in their split.

The 44-year-old presenter explained she and the 'Put On' hitmaker - whose real name is Jay Wayne Jenkins - had signed a pre-nuptial agreement on March 26, 2021 and the court should enforce it “in the event that either party engages in sexual relations, an emotional relationship, or is emotionally or sexually suggestive in communication with a third party via all forms of electronic communication, including but not limited to, texting, sexting, Facetiming, social media and/or Direct Messages, shall result in a significant financial penalty upon the adulterous party as specified in said Prenuptial Agreement.”

A spokesperson for the 'Leave You Alone' rapper denied the allegations.

They said: “Any claim of infidelity on Mr. Jenkins behalf are 100% false and he has no further statements at this time.”

In his court filing requesting a custody hearing, Jeezy accused Jeannie of acting as a "gatekeeper" to their daughter.

Papers show Jeezy claims that since he filed for divorce from Jeannie on 14 September the toddler has been “temporarily residing” in the estranged couple’s Los Angeles home with his ex.

The documents state: “Since that time, the parties have endeavoured to address temporary custodial arrangements on an informal basis.

“While the parties have agreed upon a visitation schedule through the end of 2023, which has been confirmed via communications between their counsel, to continue addressing custodial and parenting time issues in such an ad hoc manner is becoming increasingly less feasible.”

Jeezy claimed in the motion a “lack of consistency, continuity and stability inherently associated with such a haphazard and fluid parenting time schedule” has proved “stressful” for his little girl.

The Grammy nominee also alleged in his filing the current custody set-up with Jeannie is creating “unnecessary tension and confusion” when it comes to their parenting time and each of their sole rights when Monaco is in their individual care.

Jeezy added in his filing even though he does not believe Jeannie is “acting maliciously,” she has “acted as a gatekeeper” when it comes to exercising parenting time with the toddler.

His documents say: “(Jeannie’s ) interference with (Jeezy’s) relationship with the Child, again, while not generated from or with malicious intent, is nevertheless, causing confusion and tension between the parties and is working to stifle the development of Petitioner’s relationship with the Child.

“As such, it is necessary at this point to separate, structure and clearly define the parties’ temporary legal and physical custody rights and set a parenting time schedule consistent with the best interests of the Child.”