Chris Noth slams 'completely ridiculous' sexual assault allegations, insists all he did wrong was cheat on his wife

Chris Noth has insisted the only thing he has done wrong is to cheat on his wife, Tara Wilson, and slammed the "completely ridiculous" sexual misconduct allegations made against him.



Chris Noth has defended himself
Chris Noth has defended himself

Chris Noth has branded the sexual assault allegations brought against him "completely ridiculous".

The 'Sex and the City' actor lost a string of jobs in December 2021 after a host of women came forward to make claims about alleged inappropriate behaviour, but he has now insisted his only transgression was being unfaithful to wife Tara Wilson - with whom he has sons Orion, 15, and three-year-old Keats - and dismissed the "add-ons" to his accuser's stories of having "absolutely no basis in fact".

He told USA Today newspaper: "I strayed on my wife, and it's devastating to her and not a very pretty picture.

"What it isn't is a crime."

The 68-year-old actor previously denied the allegations and he stands by his previous statement, insisting the sex was consensual, though he was wrong to cheat on his wife.

He said: "You give yourself the same excuses that many men do; it’s just a little side dance, and it’s fun. You’re not hurting anybody. No one’s going to know about this, you know, and sex is just enjoyable. And suddenly, a lot of people want to have sex with you. It’s like, 'Well, I’m not going to get this chance again.'"

Following the allegations, Chris was dropped from 'And Just Like That' and 'The Equalizer', parted ways with his talent agency, was axed from a Peloton ad and lost a $12 million deal for Ambhar, his tequila brand and the actor admitted “there's nothing [he] can say to change anyone's mind when you have that kind of a tidal wave.”

He added: "It sounds defensive. I'm not.

"There's no criminal court. There's no criminal trial. There's nothing for me to get on the stand about and get my story out, get witnesses.”

Despite the backlash against him, Chris insisted he isn't going to "lay down and just say it's over".

He said: "It's a salacious story, but it's just not a true one. And I can't just say 'Well, OK, that's it for me' because of that.

"I'm an actor. I have other things that I want to do creatively. And I have children to support. I can't just rest on my laurels. So yeah, I have enough to let a year drift, but I don't know how to gauge or judge getting back into the club, the business, because corporations are frightened.

"People are afraid of all this. Fear is the overriding operative word when it comes to whether they believe it or not.

"I have to just continue on. It's rough, because people are scared, and their fear leads them. And I have to just persevere because I still have a creative life."