NASA set to grow plants on the Moon

NASA will attempt to grow duckweed, cress and brassica plants on the Moon during the Artemis III mission to the lunar surface in 2026.



Astronauts will attempt to grow plants on the Moon
Astronauts will attempt to grow plants on the Moon

NASA is planning to grow plants on the Moon.

The US space agency will attempt to grow duckweed, cress and brassica in a mini greenhouse when the Artemis III mission returns astronauts to the lunar surface in 2026.

Lunar Effects on Agricultural Flora (LEAF) is one of three experiments that have been selected to go to the Moon and will be the first time that the space agency has tried to grow plants in orbit.

It is hoped that the plants could play a major role in feeding future space missions and help establish human colonies away from Earth.

Space Lab Technologies vice president Christine Escobar said: "This research will be a pivotal step toward understanding how we might use agriculture in space to support human crew, paving the way for sustained Lunar exploration and even missions to Mars."