The Moon may contain adverts in 2026

Businesses could be advertising on the Moon by 2026 with the aid of a new lunar rover.



Advertisements could be coming to the Moon
Advertisements could be coming to the Moon

Brands could be advertising on the Moon in 2026.

Lunar rover manufacturer Astrolab is to send its Flex rover to the lunar surface and has signed a deal with creative network Group of Humans to offer businesses the opportunity to test and promote their products in space.

Potential opportunities include car manufacturer Volvo introducing a lunar highway code and sportswear giant Nike developing footwear for the low-gravity atmosphere as NASA ramps up plans for a permanent human presence on the lunar surface.

Group of Humans founder Rob Noble explained that the capabilities of the rover - which is able to carry 1.5 tonnes of equipment - means there are a plethora of opportunities in several sectors.

He said: "Brands can really stand out as a result of putting themselves into this situation where there is no atmosphere and limited gravity.

"You're exposing your products to all sorts of extremes that will help you learn while proving to consumers that it's really strong."