Amsterdam citizens urged to embrace rats

An expert is encouraging the people of Amsterdam to embrace living alongside rats.



The population of Amsterdam should learn to live alongside rats
The population of Amsterdam should learn to live alongside rats

The people of Amsterdam have been encouraged to learn to live with rats.

Experts have called for the Dutch capital to become a "rat city" as the rodents pose no more danger than bats or pigeons.

Animal scientist Maite van Gerwen has dismissed concerns that rats are transmitters of disease and called on citizens to remove their prejudices about the hated creatures.

She told the city's Het Parool newspaper: "Where there are people, there are rats.

"Why do we want certain animals around us and not other animals? In newbuild houses, facilities are made in the cavity to provide bats with a home. At the same time, rats are controlled with clamps, glue plates and poison."

Van Gerwen argues that the rodents can have a positive impact on the city's ecosystem.

The scientist said: "Sewer workers are actually happy with the rat. The animals eat a lot of fat residue from the sewer, which prevents blockages. Rats are very good at recycling."