God Versus UFOs movie alleges that government officials think UFOs are demons

The new documentary 'God Versus UFOs' alleges that some members of the US and UK Governments are convinced that UFOs are demonic in origin.



God Versus UFOs alleges that members of the UK and US Governments think that the crafts are actually demons
God Versus UFOs alleges that members of the UK and US Governments think that the crafts are actually demons

The new movie 'God Versus UFOs' reveals that some members of both the US and UK Governments are convinced that UFOs are demonic.

The documentary explores the other worldly aspects of extraterrestrials and makes the sensational claim that many politicians in Britain and the US sincerely believe that UFOs are satanic in origin.

The documentary features contributions from alien experts such as Harvard University Professor Avi Loeb and Nick Pope as well as the ghost-hunting TV presenter Yvette Fielding while it analyses Project Blue Beam - a conspiracy theory alleging that the deep state or Illuminati are planning to use cutting-edge technology to create a false flag alien invasion or to fake the second coming of Christ.

Pope, who formerly worked for the UK's Ministry of Defence in their UFO department, says in the film: "So, as crazy as it might sound to some, for example, there is a faction within, particularly the US government, but I've seen it in the UK as well, who believe that UFOs are demonic.

"And they get this, in a large part, from a passage in the Bible in the book of Ephesians, which talks about Satan in terms of being, 'The prince of the power of the air.' And this faction, through that and maybe some other things too, have convinced themselves that this or some of this may be demonic, and therefore they say that you shouldn't engage with it, you shouldn't study it, because that feeds it energy."

The documentary looks at those who say they have manifested the appearance of UFOs with their own minds with John Hanson - a retired CID detective who is now the owner of The Great British UFO Learning Centre - taking centre stage with his story about how he and some friends manifested Orb-like UFOs while meditating in Rendelsham Forest, the site of one of Britain's most famous UFO landings in 1980.

'God Versus UFOs' is out now and free to watch on YouTube for a limited time.