Paulina Porizkova feels 'strong' in nude shoots

Paulina Porizkova is "very proud" of her cover shoot for the Czech edition of Elle magazine, for which she posed topless but covered in silver body paint.



Paulina Porizkova is proud of her latest photoshoot
Paulina Porizkova is proud of her latest photoshoot

Paulina Porizkova feels "strong" when she poses nude.

The 58-year-old model appears on the front cover of Elle magazine's Czech edition topless but covered with silver body paint, and the 'Knots' actress is "very proud" of the risque photoshoot because she finds it empowering to flash her flesh on her own terms.

Sharing a photo of the cover, she wrote on Instagram: "I have done many covers this year I’m very proud of, but this one is special.

"Yes, I’m topless; but the silver paint on my skin is like an armor.

"The silver deflects darkness and reflects light - but allows me to feel everything.

"I was brought up in a culture and time where nudity was common and absolutely accepted as a part of being human.

"I was never made to feel ashamed of an unclothed body, mine or anyone else’s.

"So perhaps it stand to reason that as long as it is MY choice to undress, it actually makes me feel strong.

"It makes me feel like I have nothing to hide.

"This is where my power lies.

"Not the nudity per se, but the ability to show myself as I am."

Paulina's partner, 'Will + Grace' writer Jeff Greenstein, was also supportive about the photos.

She continued: "After this shoot, I asked my love, Jeff, how it made him feel to see me so exposed on a set. 'You were the most powerful person in the room' he replied.

"And that is what I see in this photo. A woman who is not ashamed for being exactly who she is. A woman who refuses to be shamed."

Although Paulina acknowledged she isn't always as confident as she was in the cover photo, she'd like to be.

She added: "I do not feel like this woman every day.

"But this is the woman I’d like to become.

"The one who claims her space without apologies, without guilt, without shame, and - with or without clothes.

"Thank you for capturing what I want to be when I grow up, @hanaknizova"