Emilia Clarke's BROTHER was nearby when she filmed incestual Game of Thrones sex scene
Emilia Clarke wanted her brother removed from the camera department when she filmed her sordid sex scene.

Emilia Clarke's BROTHER was on set when she filmed her 'Game of Thrones' sex scene.
The 36-year-old actress was left embarrassed when her older sibling, Bennett Clarke - who worked in the camera department for the hit HBO fantasy series - was in the vicinity of her and Kit Harington, 36 when they filmed Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen's first love-making session for season seven.
Speaking at the Superhero Comic Con and Car Show this month, where she reunited with Kit, she spilled: "I do remember the day, our sex scene day, and my brother was there."
"My brother was in the camera department and he was on set that day."
She even tried to have him removed.
She laughed: "It was literally like, 'Mate! You’ve got to get him out of here. He’s not allowed to be here!'"
If that wasn't weird enough, it turns out their characters were closely related.
Jon is actually Daenerys’ nephew!
Meanwhile, it was previously revealed that the show's dragon purrs are actually recordings of tortoises having sex.
The programme features three fire-breathing creatures owned by the Mother of Dragons, Daenerys, and one of the giant flying lizards named Drogo gets its voice from the peculiar source.
Paula Fairfield, 'GoT' sound designer, told WNYC radio show Radiolab: "The groan of the male actually became, with some work and adjustments and stuff, the basis of Drogon's purr with Daenerys.
"I have sounds I might choose simply by certain personality traits that I might want to push forward. She named that dragon after Khal Drogo, her hot late husband, so Drogon is like her lover. He's whistling at her all the time, he's whistling at her butt and saying, 'Ooh baby.'"
Paula decided to give the three dragons their own personalities in order to bring the mythical creatures down to earth.
She said: "They're very powerful, they can be very scary, they can be very destructive. But what's kind of magical in 'Game of Thrones' is that the intimate scenes also melt your heart and bring you closer to these characters that should be burning your face off."