John Carpenter feels no ownership over Halloween franchise

John Carpenter has no issue with other filmmakers getting involved in the 'Halloween' franchise after he directed the 1978 original.



John Carpenter doesn't want control of the 'Halloween' franchise
John Carpenter doesn't want control of the 'Halloween' franchise

John Carpenter doesn't feel ownership over the 'Halloween' franchise.

The 74-year-old filmmaker directed the original 1978 movie in the long-running horror series but is happy to see other directors have control over the iconic slasher villain Michael Myers.

John told Vulture: "The 'Halloween' movie I love the most is the one I made back in 1978, the one I directed.

"Others are other people's visions. That's the way it goes. That's what happens when you give up. I didn't want to direct sequels. I didn't think there was story left. Boy, was I wrong, huh?"

John has provided the score for David Gordon Green's latest trilogy in the franchise but admits that he has little thought for the legacy of the series.

When asked about the legacy of 'Halloween', he said: "I don't care. I really don't care."

Carpenter explained that he doesn't spend much time thinking about the quality of the 'Halloween' remakes.

He said: "There are two kinds of remakes for me.

"One is where I'm the originator of the material. I wrote the screenplay. Two: It was an assignment from the studio. 'We want you to do this'.

"If it's an assignment from the studio, they don't pay me when they do a remake. They own the material. If I've generated the screenplay, they have to pay me. That's the kind of sequel I like. My movie exists. Make your own. You want to pay me a bunch of bucks, fine. Have a great time."

John revealed that he has little interest in going back over his previous work as he always finds mistakes that he has made.

He said: "Never. I don't want to see it.

"When I watch my old movies, I see the mistakes and the things I didn't do and I start looking like, 'What am I doing?' That's stupid. Why didn't I do this?' That's painful. I don't want to do that, so I don't watch."