I don't worry about aging, says Iman

Catwalk star Iman has insisted she doesn't fret about getting older.



Iman doesn't worry about aging
Iman doesn't worry about aging

Iman doesn't worry about aging.

The 67-year-old model - who was born in Mogadishu in Somalia - actually believes that the obsession with aging is "a very Western mentality".

She explained: "I come from Africa, we celebrate getting older. A friend was telling me there’s been a rise in cosmetic surgery, all because [people] have been looking at themselves in Zoom meetings.

"I’m like, ‘If you are worried about that, just put the camera up [so it’s tilted down on your face], for God’s sake!'"

By contrast, Iman insists that it's not something she's ever worried about.

She told British Vogue magazine: "This really is a mentality rooted in the West. For me, it has never been a problem."

Iman actually believes that everything in her life is "predestined".

The model - who was married to music icon David Bowie until his death in 2016 - shared: "I don’t plan things. As I get older, I don’t think anything’s by chance. It’s all predestined."

Meanwhile, Iman previously admitted that she didn't think she "had a chance" of succeeding in the fashion industry during her teens.

The catwalk star also recalled lying about her age so she could fly from Kenya to the US.

She explained: "[My mother] had no idea I was leaving. To get a passport to leave the country I needed a signature from both my parents, but I faked it and said I was already 18.

"I didn’t think I had a chance [to become a model], so I thought I would go to the US and then go back in a couple of months before my parents would know I left.

"I came to the US and the first thing that was written about me was a week later in Newsweek the only magazine my father reads and they were mortified, of course, that I lied my way out of the country, was on my own and I didn’t finish my Political Science education."

The full feature with Iman is available in the January issue of British Vogue, available via digital download and on newsstands from Tuesday, December 20.