Ricky Martin has suffered from skin issues since the age of 12

Ricky Martin has suffered from skin issues since the age of 12 but has found a "magical" skincare range to help him deal with his problems.



Ricky Martin on coping with his skin issues
Ricky Martin on coping with his skin issues

Ricky Martin has suffered from skin issues since the age of 12.

The 50-year-old Latin pop star has signed up as an ambassador for Kumiko Skincare and admitted that spending most of his life on the road as a touring performer had left him forgetting about the "importance" of looking in the mirror and has eventually decided to "get closer to wellness."

He said: "I started [to feel] this need to really get closer to wellness. Sometimes you're on the road and this speed of life makes you forget the importance of taking time for yourself when you're in the bathroom in front of a mirror. I've been on the road since I was 12 years old. I've dealt with all kinds of skin issues since, with the makeup that I use for hours when I'm in front of the cameras. I've tried all kinds of creams. All kinds of products. The list is endless. And all of sudden, Kumiko came into my life."

The 'Livin' La Vida Loca' hitmaker - who has been married to painter Jwan Yosef since 2017 and has twins Matteo, and Valentino 13, as well as Lucia and Renn, both three, with him - explained that the Spanish skincare brand was like something he had "never experienced" before and described the transformation as "magical."

He told Allure: "The instant gratification that you get with Kumiko is something that I never experienced before. Literally, you try these creams at night, and in the morning, you look at yourself like, 'Wow! This is magical!' I contacted the founder of Kumiko, Catalina Aguirre. I told her I want to be part of this movement of wellness. I explained to her a little about where I am at this time and age. I told her everything I've been through with my skin. She was like, "Well, this is the solution to all your problems. I'm a little bit obsessed with Kumiko, to be honest."