Ashley Graham admits to suffering 'mom guilt'
Ashley Graham has admitted to experiencing "a little mom guilt" when she returned to work.

Ashley Graham has suffered "mom guilt" since returning to work.
The 34-year-old model - who has Isaac, two, and five-month-old twins Malachi and Roman with husband Justin Ervin - admits that her return to work hasn't been an easy experience, as she now needs to constantly manage her time.
Ashley shared: "How I navigated my return to work after the twins is hard to say, because I didn’t jump back into a nine-to-five.
"After three months, I started travelling and leaving them for overnights. I definitely had a little mom guilt, but I’ve been pumping a lot more and having to navigate schedules a lot more."
Despite this, Ashley likened her time at work to being on "vacation".
The brunette beauty told The Cut: "I’m jumping back into work faster than when I did with my firstborn, and I think it’s normal. I’m actually so happy when I go to work. It feels like a vacation."
Last month, meanwhile, Ashley admitted she's "still not entirely comfortable in [her] body".
The curvaceous star revealed she's still struggling to come to terms with her post-pregnancy figure.
Ashley said: "Even now, if I’m completely honest, I go in waves. I am still not entirely comfortable in my body, no matter my own body positivity advocacy.
"There are days where I look at myself and I say, 'There's nothing you can't handle. There's nothing you can't do.' Then I look at the stretch marks that still exist and will forever exist on my stomach, and I think, God, why did you have to go up above my belly button? I'm a lingerie model, for God's sake. This is not what lingerie models look like.
"But then I remind myself, 'Well, I've never been the norm of what a typical lingerie model looks like.'"