Stella McCartney's sustainable vow

Stella McCartney has called on global climate leaders to consider introducing legislation or laws that require the fashion industry to adhere to sustainable practices by law.



Stella McCartney and Prince Charles
Stella McCartney and Prince Charles

Stella McCartney has vowed to "drive change" in the fashion industry to create a "cruelty-free society" for generations to come.

The fashion designer and environmentalist was among those to sign Prince Charles' Terra Carta Transition Coalitions for a sustainable future at the G7 Summit in Cornwall.

She said: “My goal is to drive change, encourage investments, and create lasting difference through incentives supporting the next generation.

“I hope the G7 Summit will translate our message into policies bringing us closer to creating a cruelty-free society that is kinder to all creatures, Mother Earth, and each other.”

Earlier this week, Stella was a guest at St. James Palace, where she urged global leaders to introduce new laws or legislation that will "put hard stops" on unsustainable practices in the industry.

She said : “I’m really here to ask all of these powerful people in the room to make a shift from convention to a new way of sourcing and new suppliers into the fashion industry.

“One of the biggest problems that we have in the fashion industry is we're not policed in any way. We have no laws or legislations that will put hard stops on our industry… We need to be incentivized, [and] we need to have taxations looked at to work in a better way.”

Stella is at the front of the fight for a sustainable future in fashion.

In 2020, the 49-year-old designer unveiled a ​manifesto to shape her eponymous label's future.

She said: “During lockdown, I put into words what defines what we love, know and believe about fashion – an A to Z of Stella McCartney. It became a guiding alphabet to hold ourselves accountable for our values, what we do and where we want to go, while always producing the most desirable and sustainable fashion that can be cherished forever. In short, this manifesto reflects who we are, and who we hope to be.”

The A to Z set out the label's new guidelines and principles and explained that the fashion house is working towards an environmentally-friendly company with zero waste and upcycling materials.