Kate Upton has been training relentlessly amid lockdown

World-famous model Kate Upton has trained "52 out of the last 58 days from her living room", according to Ben Bruno.



Kate Upton
Kate Upton

Kate Upton has trained "52 out of the last 58 days from her living room".

The 27-year-old model - who has Genevieve, 18 months, with Justin Verlander - has been working out relentlessly amid the coronavirus lockdown, according to her personal trainer Ben Bruno.

Alongside a video clip of Kate, Ben wrote on Instagram: "This is so awesome. @kateupton does 11 reverse lunges per leg with a 53 pound (24 kilogram) kettlebell, with great form. That's some real work!

"Kate and I are on opposite sides of the country, but we've been training remotely through Facetime and she's trained 52 out of the last 58 days from her living room. She has three kettlebells, a band, and a stability ball - that's it - but we've managed to do 52 great workouts and keep getting stronger and more fit.

"There are no secrets or quick fixes when it comes to getting in shape; hard work and consistency is the name of the game. Our program is so simple, but it's not easy. We've done our best to replicate our gym workouts at home and used progressive overload to keep getting stronger, and she's now lunging the kettlebell she used to deadlift. (sic)"

Ben loves Kate's enthusiastic attitude to fitness, joking she's now "officially a meathead".

His post continued: "I love her attitude about training. Whenever I give her the option to keep the weight the same or go up, she always chooses to go up and says, "let's see what happens but I think I can do it". When you have that attitude and show up regularly, good things happen.

"I've told her that based on how hard she trains and the weights she can lift now, she's officially a meathead. Show her some love because she really works her a*s off. (sic)"