Geri Horner takes fashion inspiration from Queen Elizabeth

Geri Horner has revealed that she takes fashion inspiration from Queen Elizabeth and admitted that the 94-year-old royal's bright outfits always improve her mood.



Geri Horner
Geri Horner

Geri Horner takes fashion inspiration from Queen Elizabeth.

The 47-year-old Spice Girls singer is a huge fan of the British monarch and admitted that the 94-year-old royal's bright outfits always improve her mood.

Speaking about dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, Geri told British Vogue: "When - like now - I feel powerless, the Queen reminds me that I can still decide to put a smile on my face, to brush my hair and put on a fabulous dress. It might sound shallow but... isn't that the power of clothes? I know that when I put on something stylish, it instantly gives me a lift. Fashion can generate a sense of optimism, and Her Majesty, in her vibrant palette of purples, oranges, greens and pinks, has always recognized that."

And Geri is determined to mimic both the royal's "stoic determination" and her fashionable outfit choices.

She explained: "Sometimes there is ugliness in the world that we cannot control, but we can control how we respond to it. Of course, I'm human, with fears, and the occasional urge to cry out, 'What about me?!' But over the years I've learned that, when I act better than I feel, I eventually do feel better. The Queen embodies that stoic determination: she's an icon of strength - the ultimate symbol of girl power.

"So if you're struggling to adapt to our new reality, and our dramatically altered way of life, ask yourself: What would the Queen do? For me, the answer is to act with courage and kindness. And if possible, to do it wearing pearls."