will.i.am excited for Britney Spears' comeback
will.i.am wants to work with Britney Spears again and can't wait for her to make a pop comeback.

will.i.am wants to work with Britney Spears again.
The pair have just released their collaboration 'Mind Your Business' and will.i.am revealed he will always make himself available to record with Britney.
He told Variety: "Whatever, however and whenever, Britney, I am there for her. She’s a darling to work with, an amazing human being. I’ll always make myself available to her."
Britney and will.i.am previously worked together on 2012's 'Scream and Shout' and he revealed he was a huge fan of the star since she released the track 'Toxic' in 2003.
He said: "Portugal, 2007, Black Eyed Peas did Rock in Rio and she was the headliner. 'Dang, we’re rocking right before Britney. We gotta bring it.' At that time, I transformed into a huge fan because of 'Toxic.' That track changed my life as far as I how I write and compete in that realm. When I heard 'bleeearn-neearn-neearn-neearn' [his version of the 'Toxic' intro], we produced 'No, no, no, no, don’t phunk with my heart.' Same tempo. I told her that. Amazing. The video. The chorus. Even that noodle guitar. I still study that song. The structure, and how she performs it — perfect. That’s when I became an ultra-fan."
Speaking about how they came to work together, he explained: "The first song I did with her was 'Big Fat Bass'. Every time I hear that I know that I could have done that better. I love it, but I would change things, still — revisit it. Back then, however, it was that revisiting that resulted in 'Scream and Shout.' I had something perfect for 'Big Fat Bass,' little catchphrases and its earworms. But 'Scream and Shout' became an anthem. She needed something that she could always perform, that would always arouse crowd participation. My follow-up to that, was 'Work B****.' Deearn-deearn-deearn-deearn BUGATI. 'Work B****' is the sassiest. If any producer asked me for my most avant-garde stuff and my intranational planet-shakers, 'Scream and Shout' and 'Work B****' are at the top of my check-it-out repertoire."
And, he is excited for Britney to make a musical comeback.
He said: "If Britney gets into the studio to make a record right now, it’s earth-shattering. You see it when she’s dancing on Instagram. You feel it. She wants to let go. She’s the inspo-est, the most electricity-bottled-up, and ready to burst. She’s love and passion, perspective and introspective. Whenever she wants me to be part of her next project I am there. It’s going to be the most human, something every single person can relate to."