Jake Gyllenhaal loved having Peter Sarsgaard as a roommate

Jake Gyllenhaal loved starring alongside Peter Sarsgaard - his brother-in-law - in 'Presumed Innocent'.



Jake Gyllenhaal loved having Peter Sarsgaard as a roommate.

The 43-year-old actor stars alongside Peter, 53, in the TV series 'Presumed Innocent' - which is based on the 1987 novel of the same name - and Jake has revealed that he relished being roommates with his co-star and brother-in-law.

Speaking to Sky News, Jake explained: "We got to live together through a majority of it.

"Most of the time, we both live in the same city but he's with his family and I'm in my life and we see each other but we don't live together, so it was a very special time in both of our lives that we got to really be like roommates.

"It's not a normal situation in that way, but man, did I cherish it and we got so much closer as a result of it."

Peter is married to Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jake's sister, and Jake loved having such a close relationship with his co-star.

The Hollywood actor shared: "In our case, with my brother-in-law and I, we're really devoted to our work and acting and storytelling and stuff so I think we also understand it as a craft, so we can kind of bring stuff from our relationship into scenes that are true in a fictional space, and we have great fun doing it."

Jake has even received some invaluable career advice from Peter.

He said: "He once came to see me in a show that I was doing on stage, and his only note for me was there's power in stillness, and I remember that so much because I think it's true.

"I think particularly as an actor but then generally in life, I think we have a tendency to want to move and express ourselves, and I think that oftentimes the stillness makes people lean in and also makes you focus on listening.

"And it does a lot of really, really powerful things. It was an incredible note and it came from Peter."