Star-studded '28 Years Later' cast revealed

'28 Years Later' is set to have a star studded cast - but Cillian Murphy is yet to be lined up for a role.



Jodie Comer, Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Ralph Fiennes have been cast in '28 Years Later'.

The star studded trio are reportedly now attached to the highly anticipated sequel to director Danny Boyle's iconic 2002 horror '28 Days Later', with writer Alex Garland also back on board with a new script.

As reported by Deadline, Comer, Taylor-Johnson and Fiennes will lead the way for the follow-up.

Plot details are been kept under wraps for the time being, but the original movie followed a bicycle courier (Cillian Murphy) who woke up from a coma to find the world overrun by zombies after a virus outbreak.

'Candyman' filmmaker Nia DaCosta is set to helm the second part of the new '28 Years Later' trilogy, with both films expected to be shot back to back.

Murphy will be back as executive producer, but he is not currently in line to star in the revival.

The 'Peaky Blinders' star recently revealed that he would "love" to make a follow-up to the iconic post-apocalyptic horror flick provided everyone involved felt there was "more story to tell".

The 'Oppenheimer' star told RSVP magazine: "Oh certainly for me. I mean, I'd love to. But that's not an exclusive or anything.

"There needs to be a script and Danny [Boyle] needs to find the time and Alex [Garland] needs to feel that there's more story to tell.

"But, again, that is a movie I watched with my kids not too long ago, and I feel that one - it's aged well.

"Or not aged at all, whatever the correct experience is."